Who are Rory and Tanya Ricord

Who are Rory and Tanya Ricord? Did you know we are helping to teach people all around the World how to improve their life and wealth through Marketing?

Who are Rory and Tanya Ricord

Let us introduce ourselves…

We are Rory and Tanya Ricord. And we set out in 2008 to help share with everyone we could how we were able to raise our family and enjoy it with true Time and Financial Freedom.

Blessed in so many ways. We have been able to raise 7 incredible human beings (6 boys, 1 girl) and to do it fully hands on. Both Tanya and I were able to volunteer daily in their schools. I coached for 15 years little league sports for the boys and attended many dance recitals and events with our Daughter. It was priceless, and left us without regrets for sure. We were able to be a part of their lives then, and it continues today.

Being able to support, and allow for opportunities for our children. Nowadays, we have 2 more daughters (by marriage) and 3 Grandchildren to whom we can spoil and love on all the time. They are and can be our life. 

We have been blessed. And with those blessings we were Financially and Time Free. As in we had financial blessings coming in always, and our time was spent how we wished to spend it. Never asking permission (than from each other) to do what we wanted, when we wanted. 

This is truly the American Dream, yet not being shared or made available due to lack of knowledge by most everyone.

In 2008; I had a moment with God, that changed the course of Tanya and My life. We had to help others, and share this. So we did. 

It has been an incredible journey. And we are living the dream and seeing it happen for so many others. 

Then in 2021 after several years of working on it; we got my book “Marketing Is Freedom” published. This was done to share my teachings and understandings as I have learned over the course of 33 years. 

You are part of our Community and I wish to share it with you, please go to https://marketingisfreedom.com and use Coupon Code: freedom to get the EBOOK for free. Or gain the Audiobook or Hard Copy for $9.95 off. 

There is a wide World of Opportunity in being a part of Marketing. And we have built something so incredible, it’s impossible not to want to share it with you. So here we are, giving you a glimpse into what it is all about.

We are part of something incredible. And should you wish to hear more, or find out more, just email us back. We will happily and excitingly share and show you what it is all about. Consider this an OPEN INVITATION to find out more from us directly.

It is a FIND of FINDS and it is never ending. Always growing, and so rewarding. My smile is non-stop as we truly get to help others to enjoy this Life.

Yours in Success,

Rory and Tanya 

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